Hinata Cafe Ishigaki

More delicious shaved ice.

#Hinata cafe ishigaki  #かき氷  #カフェ  #クラウドファンディング実施中!  #クレープ  #沖夢紫  text & photo: Atsushi Fukuzato 

"Shaved ice has really evolved recently. I feel there is still a lot of potential, and I want to make it something that is loved by the people of the island, so much so that when people think of shaved ice on Ishigaki Island, they think of Hinata Cafe."

This small trailer will close on August 4, 2024 due to a new store relocation. We are currently running a crowdfunding campaign! ▼

The owner, Azumazato Akito, has a strong passion for shaved ice.

In 2024, they opened a stall at the shaved ice festival "Himura Shirayuki Festival" held in Nara Prefecture. Among the many famous shaved ice shops from all over the country, they were able to get the stamp of approval from many shop owners.

The product on display was the "Okiyumemurasaki Mont Blanc." It combines the mellow sweetness of Okiyumemurasaki with homemade purple sweet potato condensed milk, finished with kinako and topped with salted rice crackers. The appearance is like a work of art, and it is packed with the unique flavors of Ishigaki Island.

Mont Blanc by Oki Yumemurasaki ©Hinata cafe ishigaki

One of the charms of shaved ice is that it has as much depth as it has possibilities. At Hinata Cafe, they spare no effort in making the shaved ice fluffy, even when it comes to the ice.

"When shaving the ice, making the surface smooth makes it fluffier. Then we shape it further to make it fluffier. But if we leave it as it is, the shape will fall apart when we pour the syrup on. It requires a fine balance, and we practice a lot."

Hinata Cafe has closed its doors in the cute trailer in front of the event and co-working space "Challenge," and is currently pre-opening in a new location in preparation for its grand opening on September 1, 2024.

We are currently running a crowdfunding campaign to help realize the future we envision for our new store. Please support us!

▶A big challenge for a tiny trailer. Planning a brick-and-mortar store specializing in shaved ice and crepes on Ishigaki Island!


Hinata Cafe Ishigaki
270-3 Okawa, Ishigaki City
Business hours: 11:00-17:00

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  • 伝統と革新が織りなす味わい


    昔、美崎町でそば屋を開いていた店主の宮脇春枝さん。お客さんからそば屋の復活を求める声があり、この度「くわっちー食堂 春」をオープンさせることに。お店の特色は、何と言っても店内で作られる手打ちの生麺。独自の配合で作られる生麺はもちもちとした食感で、普段口にしているゆで麺とは違った食感が楽しめる。


    昔、美崎町でそば屋を開いていた店主の宮脇春枝さん。お客さんからそば屋の復活を求める声があり、この度「くわっちー食堂 春」をオープンさせることに。お店の特色は、何と言っても店内で作られる手打ちの生麺。独自の配合で作られる生麺はもちもちとした食感で、普段口にしているゆで麺とは違った食感が楽しめる。

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    店内はハワイをイメージしたトロピカルなデザインで、まるで海外に訪れた気分になる。V8Cafe Baysideでは石垣島のイメージに合った南国らしい料理を提供したいと考え、ハワイのローカルフード、ポキ丼を提供。


    店内はハワイをイメージしたトロピカルなデザインで、まるで海外に訪れた気分になる。V8Cafe Baysideでは石垣島のイメージに合った南国らしい料理を提供したいと考え、ハワイのローカルフード、ポキ丼を提供。

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