An authentic bar offering Ryukyu Awamori from a...
After 51 years of love, "Snack Lisbon" has reopened as "BAR Lisbon". The new concept is "Do you know the famous awamori?" The owner, Tsutomu Uechi, a former architectural engineer...
An authentic bar offering Ryukyu Awamori from a...
After 51 years of love, "Snack Lisbon" has reopened as "BAR Lisbon". The new concept is "Do you know the famous awamori?" The owner, Tsutomu Uechi, a former architectural engineer...
Enjoy the ultimate relaxation experience in the...
It is located within the grounds of Ishigaki Salt Village, about a 10-minute drive from the city center. As you enter the facility, you'll feel like you're exploring a jungle....
Enjoy the ultimate relaxation experience in the...
It is located within the grounds of Ishigaki Salt Village, about a 10-minute drive from the city center. As you enter the facility, you'll feel like you're exploring a jungle....
A full-scale cocktail bar appears in the back o...
A cocktail bar with an open atmosphere located on the first floor of the East China Sea Hotel . The master, who worked as a bartender at a long-established bar...
A full-scale cocktail bar appears in the back o...
A cocktail bar with an open atmosphere located on the first floor of the East China Sea Hotel . The master, who worked as a bartender at a long-established bar...